Have you heard the phrase print ready when working with your printer? Have you wondered what they are talking about? Have you sent your files into your printer to have them sent back as not ready to go? Well, we are here to explain all about print-ready files and what it means.
Print Ready, this means to describe a file that has all the necessary specifications to produce a high-resolution printed output without needing any additional alteration or intervention. Meaning a commercial printer like TigerPress can use your file as submitted to create the desired print materials.
When you are providing files to be printed be sure to include all fonts, images, and bleeds. Typical file formats for print-ready files, also known as native files are Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Acrobat (PDF), and QuarkExpress. There are other formats, however, they may require extra prepress work making them not print-ready. You also want to make sure when setting up the print files that you use the right DPI (Dots Per Inch/ Resolution). The recommended photo resolution for offset production is 300dpi. For line art images (1-bit) images should be 600dpi. It can seem overwhelming but we are here to help ensure you have print-ready files and your print projects are ready to go!
Common factors that can prevent your file from being ‘Print Ready’:
· Improper document size
· Colors are RGB not CMYK
· Spot color not properly defined
· Not allowing ample margins (putting information or borders closer than ¼” from any trimmed edge)
· Resolution not high enough. Minimum should be 300 dpi at 100% size. 600 dpi or high for images.
· Bleeds not set up correctly Your artwork should extend at least 1/8” past crop mark.
· Crop marks missing or incorrectly placed
· Missing fonts or images
· Poor contrast between text and background
· Spelling and grammar errors
Your file type is one of the most important parts of ensuring you have a print-ready file. Making sure you submit the correct file type is important in determining whether a commercial printer can successfully print your project. TigerPress is here to help with all your print needs.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions. We have many professionals that can assist you with your files